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Quran Auto Reciter

Lot of Arabic fonts to display the Quran in beautiful arabic Calligraphy styles.

The Quran (Koran, Qur'an, Qoran, Coran) can be read and heard from a wide variety of well-known reciters using Quran Auto Reciter. It can be set up to start automatically at predetermined times for recitals or to manually setup Athan (Azan, Adhan, Salat, Salah) to be given during prayer times. Local majid prayer timings (Namaz Times, Salat Times) can be set up to notify you five times a day via an Athan of your choosing.In addition, it features talks by renowned academics and Azan (Athan) sounds from numerous Moazans (Reciter) around the globe. Read the Quran in complete Tashkeel using the Simple Arabic typeface and the Uthmani font. The Quran can also be read in transliteration, English, Urdu, Spanish, Malayu, Indonesian, Farsi, Russian, Turkish, Bosnian, Portuguese, Dutch, German, and French. Many Arabic fonts are available to portray the Quran in exquisite Arabic calligraphy designs.

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