Our Tools

Education Tools

Typing Master

Double your typing speed

Develop and assess your typing abilities. The unique training consists of tests mixed with games and analytic widgets, visual instruction, and a step-by-step methodology. This application was created for anybody looking to assess or enhance their typing abilities. You have access to a variety of ... READ MORE



Find out the definition of words from the English language

Look up the definition of any word in the English language, as well as its class, synonyms, antonyms, and even any anagrams that can be created with its letters. OCR support is built into the tool. The primary benefit of WordWeb, a software-based dictionary, is that it saves you from having to le... READ MORE


Teachers Report Assistant

Creates and designs student report cards

increases teacher productivity and produces well-organized student report cards. includes a list of customizable statements that can be altered. A programme called Teachers Report Assistant assists teachers in quickly and efficiently creating a student report card. The programme generates customi... READ MORE


Hadith Viewer

It provides a querying engine which facilitates quick searching of hadith

A programme called Hadith Viewer has a speedy querying engine that makes searching hadith simple and quick. You can use it to install and manage additional Hadith collection files. The programme includes a thorough vocabulary of words related to Islam. The glossary includes alternate spellings, whic... READ MORE


Atlas 14.10

Atlas is a program that computes the resulting moments and reaction forces

With loads applied to a beam, the Atlas programme calculates the associated moments and reaction forces. Optimising joint positions—that is, positions with zero moment—in purlins or beams would be a typical use. The interface of the programme is rather basic. It lets users enter data using the ... READ MORE


Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader XI

A spelling dictionary pack for Adobe Reader with support for 32 languages

The dictionary that is included with each edition of Adobe Reader is enhanced by the Adobe Reader XI Spelling Dictionary Pack, which includes 32 languages and linguistic variations. It lets users create and change custom words to their user dictionaries for later use, as well as spell check objects ... READ MORE


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