Our Tools

Education Tools


Analyze and edit various molecular structures

For usage across platforms in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related fields, Avogadro is a sophisticated molecule editor and visualizer. Built to be user-friendly for both beginning and experienced researchers. Download free chemistry diction... READ MORE


English to Odia Dictionary

Translate words to Odia

Over 80,000 Odia terms with their meanings are included in the great dictionary. To improve the dictionary even further, please feel free to add new words to the database. Odia is a widely spoken language in India, with a reputation for being a "classic language" but not exactly being well-know... READ MORE



Get immediate access to detailed English word definitions

A Windows program called TheSage makes it simple to find English word definitions, synonyms, anagrams, rhymes, and other useful information. Writers of English content or those who only want access to thorough definitions for certain English words may find the application to be useful. ... READ MORE



Text editor focused on math notations

Use the appropriate mathematical notation for writing equations, formulas, and other computations. Compatible with Office 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016; also works with the web edition of Microsoft Office. This programme is an all-inclusive editor for mathematical notations. MathType offers the n... READ MORE


Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader

Spellcheck for Adobe Reader

Support for Spelling Dictionaries Because Adobe Reader is available in 34 languages. Users of Adobe Reader can add and modify custom words in their user dictionaries for future reference, as well as spell check items like comments and form fields. English (Canada), English (United Kingdom), English ... READ MORE



Find out the definition of words from the English language

Look up the definition of any word in the English language, as well as its class, synonyms, antonyms, and even any anagrams that can be created with its letters. OCR support is built into the tool. The primary benefit of WordWeb, a software-based dictionary, is that it saves you from having to leaf ... READ MORE


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